Discover The Magic Behind Meraki Bakehouse

As I strolled through the bustling Downtown Lakeland Curb Market one sunny Saturday morning, my senses were immediately captivated by the irresistible aroma of freshly baked pastries. Intrigued, I followed the scent, leading me to a charming display of delectable treats at Meraki Bakehouse. With each bite of their heavenly pastries, I was transported to a world of pure delight. I knew I had stumbled upon something truly special. Determined to learn more about the magic behind these exceptional creations, I reached out to the owner of Meraki Bakehouse, Mara Rutledge, to delve into their story, their journey, and the love and passion that fuels their remarkable bakery.

The owner, whose passion for baking has roots in her childhood, has always dreamt of having her own bakery. Inspired by her mother's talent in the kitchen, she knew she wanted to create something extraordinary. It was during her search for the perfect name that she discovered "Meraki," a Greek word that encapsulates the essence of their bakery. Meraki means infusing love, soul, and passion into everything one does, and that's exactly the philosophy that guides the owner and her dedicated team at Meraki Bakehouse.

In a city like Lakeland, where finding exceptional croissants can be a rare delight, Meraki Bakehouse aims to fill that void and become the go-to destination for pastry enthusiasts. As someone who has always cherished the quest for a remarkable bakery experience, the owner's mission is to provide that same joy to others. Whether it's embarking on a day trip or gathering with friends, she aspires to create a haven where people can indulge in exquisite pastries and create cherished memories.

Join me as we dive deeper into the fascinating world of Meraki Bakehouse. We'll uncover the stories behind Mara’s mouthwatering creations, learn about the challenges she’s overcome, and discover the rewarding moments that come from pouring heart and soul into her craft. Get ready to be whisked away on a delectable adventure that will leave you craving more.

What sets Meraki Bakehouse apart from other bakeries in the area?

What sets us apart from other bakeries is our attention to detail. The obvious care that goes into each step of the process. The evident ingredient: LOVE. And it will always taste just as good as it looks, if not better.

Can you describe some of the baked goods that you offer beyond croissants? What are some of your most popular items?

Other than croissants, we do cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, cookies, cakes by the slice, pies, muffins, and more. Our most popular items are definitely the browned butter chocolate chip cookies and the creme brulee supremes!  

You're a relatively new business. What have been some of the challenges and rewards of starting a bakery from scratch?

AH, some of the challenges of starting a bakery are… A LOT, haha, but really, it was a challenge finding that work/personal life balance and still is, but after hiring help, it has been an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders. Another challenge, in the very beginning, was, "How do I know how much to make if I don't know if people will show?" Eventually, you get more exposure, word gets out, and you find a sweet spot. Also, a challenge is being able to communicate with my customer base effectively. For instance, when we go on vacation and won't be at the market, we share share share on social media, but still have so many that say, "I was looking for you.”

It is rewarding! The way the community comes through every Saturday and sells us out of nearly 700 pastries in a matter of hours is unbelievable. Our regular customers we have built relationships with are beautiful, some make it their "Saturday Tradition" just to come to see us at the market for a pastry. We actually have our "Surprise Ladies" that trust us every week (since the beginning) to pick them one surprise pastry to eat while they browse the market, and we look forward to that. Being told that you make someone's day makes it all worth it!

As a member of Catapult, how has the incubator program supported the growth and development of your business?

Catapult has been a more affordable and convenient option to kickstart my business, and they have mentors that I have utilized when it came to tax season and looking into getting a brick-and-mortar, etc. The staff at Catapult are very dedicated to the success of the businesses there.

You participate in the Saturday Farmers Markets. How have these markets helped you connect with customers and promote your products?

The farmers market actually does connect you to people in ways you wouldn’t even think, such as a coffee shop owner looking for a wholesale opportunity or the creator of "Lakeland Food Group" on FB giving you an amazing shout-out. So, you really never know who you'll meet and what they're capable of doing for your business, so lead with kindness, always. 

Croissants can be notoriously difficult to make. Can you talk about the process you use to make your croissants and any tips you have for aspiring bakers?

Croissants are a 3-day process after it is scaled out and ingredients are chilled overnight.

Day 1: Mix - Cold mix allows for a longer first proof, longer fermentation, and more flavor. Divide, shape, wrap, and rest overnight.

Day 2: Lamination - Dough, butter, dough, butter, series of folds. Sounds easy, but it's not. Your butter temperature and dough temp should match at all times to yield the best/consistent results with minimal waste (still sounds easy, just try it).

Day 3 Shaping & Baking - So we made all our dough/butter books. Now, ya gotta make all these cool shapes, sheet them down, and shape (Also, the temperature is very important, literally in every step). Shaping happens between 2 am-7 am then they go to the fridge for more cold fermentation until we come back in that night at 10 pm. They are trayed up and proofed (Again, sounds easy, but you must maintain a level of humidity at all times during proofing, as well as the proper temperature, or you will melt the butter between your layers. If they are too cold, they will take forever to grow. I call it babysitting croissants during this process.) Once they have grown as much as they can, they bake!

My tips are, don't give up, and pay attention to each detail. In the croissant world, every detail could be a variable of what went wrong or right in the process.

How do you balance creativity and innovation with meeting the expectations of your customers when developing new recipes and products? 

Baking is my creative outlet, so I have a million ideas to do at any given time. We're constantly putting out new products, but we also have our staple pastries that almost never come off the menu. A lot of customers pick one thing they like and hold on tight, knowing that we try to keep a lot of classics on hand, as well as an abundance of new and creative pastries.

What are your plans for the future of Meraki Bakehouse? Do you have any upcoming projects or events that you're excited about? 

Future plans for the business, to get through the summer at the farmers market, grow our wholesale accounts for the slower season, and eventually, hopefully, sooner than later, a brick-and-mortar would be amazing. 

Finally, what advice would you give to someone who is interested in starting their own bakery or food business?

Have experience in the field you're trying to start. Do your research, and meet people who have done what you aspire to do. THERE IS NEVER A "RIGHT TIME” you just have to leap and trust your instincts. And it is as much work as you get warned about, so listen to the people that tell you that too. 

My encounter with Meraki Bakehouse has been nothing short of a serendipitous delight. From that fateful day at the Downtown Lakeland Curb Market to delving into the story behind their passion-filled creations, I am reminded of the power of following one's dreams and infusing love into every endeavor. Meraki Bakehouse has not only brought exceptional pastries to Lakeland but has also sparked a sense of joy and connection within our community. As I look forward to the future, I am filled with excitement for the continued exploration of Lakeland's culinary wonders and the opportunity to share the remarkable stories of those who pour their heart into their craft. Let us savor every bite, celebrate every success, and continue to support the local artisans who make our world a little more flavorful and meaningful.


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